Who we are

Healthy Cities for Adolescents (HCA) is Fondation Botnar’s flagship initiative to create cities fit for young people.

At HCA, we place adolescents at the centre of our work. We believe their active involvement is crucial to achieve sustainable and fair urban development. Our focus is on intermediary cities – rapidly growing urban areas that face unique challenges in adolescent health and wellbeing.

HCA operates in six countries, funding projects that intend to improve lives of adolescents in intermediary cities. Each project aims to create lasting solutions through partnerships with various stakeholders at the city level.

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‘Investing in adolescence yields triple benefits, bringing health, social and economic gains to today’s adolescents, tomorrow’s adults and future generations.’

World Health Organization


Explore country snapshots and local work of the Healthy Cities for Adolescents programme and project partners.

Our funded projects

HCA funds projects that tackle adolescent health and wellbeing challenges while empowering youth voice and participation in urban development.

Our programme focuses on systems change approaches to break barriers and create fairer, healthier and more sustainable cities for young people.

Start date:

Resilient City for Adolescents

Start date:

Active Adolescents for Change