Located in the north-west region of Latin America, Colombia has a total population of 50.8 million, of which 6.4 million are adolescents. Colombia has been affected by armed conflict for more than 50 years. In this context, children and young people have been recruited as soldiers, affected by landmines, used as informers and sex workers within armed groups and urban gangs, and forcefully displaced. The country continues to face challenges in promoting a life filled with opportunities for young people in education, health and meaningful participation in government systems and local activities.
HCA has been active in Colombia since May 2019. HCA provided grants to three pilot projects during Phase I (2018−2022), two in Cali and one in Medellín.
Read more about HCA Phase I projects in Colombia
One of these projects, Vivo Mi Calle, has been selected for further development and expansion support under Phase II (2022−2026). Read more about the Vivo Mi Calle project and Phase II plans below.
HCA in Colombia is supported by the In-Country Advisor, Diseño Publico.

Start date: 01/07/2022