Healthy Cities for Adolescents (HCA) is managed by an intermediary organisation on behalf of Fondation Botnar

Phase I (2018–2022) was managed by the International Society for Urban Health. Phase II (2022–2026) is managed by Ecorys. Our management team for Phase II is known as the HCA Global Team.

The HCA Global Team works closely with Fondation Botnar to ensure strategic alignment and ongoing exchange of ideas and approaches. The HCA Global Team also works together with grantees to promote impactful projects and generate evidence and learning that will increase impact and benefit the wider sector.

HCA Global Team

The HCA Global Team consists of Ecorys staff, consultants and partners based in the UK, Europe and Australia. Each of the six target countries has an In-Country Advisor who offers contextual insights and in-person support to projects.


Kathryn Scurfield

Programme Director

Sarah McMillan

Team Leader

Pablo Urech Bedoya

Programme & Finance Manager

Workstream Leads

Lambros Pardale

Grants and Compliance

Kathryn Scurfield

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Joyati Das

Partnerships and Advocacy

Ignacio Baleztena


In-Country Advisors

In-Country Advisors support the strategic positioning of HCA in each target country. Using their expertise, they help to identify grantees and to develop and deliver projects. In-Country Advisors can be individuals or organisations.

Daniel López Hincapié

Diseño Publico

María Caridad Ortiz

Grupo Faro

Augustine Akrofi

Ecorys Ghana

Mamadou Diaw

Jaya Srinivasan

Hanh Le


Thematic Experts

HCA also has a pool of thematic experts who provide support in key areas such as systems change, youth participation, equity and inclusion, and digital.