Vivo Mi Calle (Phase 2)

Project Overview

Cali, Palmira
Lead Partner
Fundación Despacio
Project Start
Project End

Consortium Partners

World Resources Institute

Local context

Adolescents growing up in Colombia’s poorer urban neighbourhoods face many challenges. Poverty and limited opportunities leave young people vulnerable to crime and gang recruitment. This is further exacerbated by a lack of safe and healthy public spaces that promote recreation, nurture creativity and strengthen social connections.

Girls and young women face particular challenges when it comes to accessing and using public spaces in these neighbourhoods. This is due to safety concerns, a lack of amenities and activities that appeal to their interests.

About the project

Vivo Mi Calle was established in May 2019 through a grant under Phase I (2018−2022) of HCA. The project aims to improve youth wellbeing in vulnerable urban neighbourhoods, by involving young people in creating accessible, clean and safe public spaces. The initiative also provides leadership training to help young people fully exercise their rights to live in healthy cities.

Through Vivo Mi Calle, young people are involved in selecting local sites for intervention, pinpointing barriers to mobility or access, and supporting the project by defining their needs.

Youth participants receive eight training modules on the basic pillars of Vivo Mi Calle, including active mobility, road safety, gender and conflict resolution. Selected youth receive more in-depth leadership training to build their capacities as social leaders in the longer term.

Project partners work closely with local schools, communities and the city administration to promote ownership and sustainability.

Read about the achievements of Vivo Mi Calle in Phase I.

Project ambitions for Phase II (2022−2026)

The success of Vivo Mi Calle led to expanded funding under Phase II of HCA. The purpose of the Phase II grant is to:

  • Promote sustainability of the project in existing areas;
  • Support replication in new cities; and
  • Advance plans to involve more adolescents in shaping public policy.

Vivo Mi Calle continues to use a holistic approach to adolescent health and wellbeing. However, in Phase II the project puts more focus on tackling systemic issues, such as exposure to violence and lack of opportunities.

Over the course of Phase II, the ambition is to create a ‘Healthy Cities Network’. The aim of this network is to promote exchange and joint advocacy efforts among stakeholders involved in the project from the two target cities.

This network is expected to encourage local governments to involve youth in urban planning at the city level. It can also serve as a basis for nationwide efforts to develop a policy that helps foster urban health and involve young people in policymaking at a local and national level.

Project consortium and partnerships

Fundación Despacio continues to lead Vivo Mi Calle in Phase II, in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, Colombia. A new partner is currently being tested to help with monitoring, evaluation and learning.

The project also builds alliances with local implementing partners and government agencies at city and national levels. These links will help the project achieve its objectives, enabling longer-term impact and sustainability.