Global Learning Forum unites HCA community

From 13 until 17 May 2024, representatives from the Healthy Cities for Adolescents (HCA – II) global community, including project partners, the management team, in-country and thematic advisors, and Fondation Botnar, gathered both in person and online for the first Global Learning Forum (GLF) in Bath, the United Kingdom. The event facilitated a dynamic exchange of experiences and insights among participants from nine active projects across six countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, Senegal, India and Vietnam.

The three-day forum featured a focused agenda each day. The first day was dedicated to learning and knowledge exchange on key topics. The second day involved a mid-term programme review and priority setting. The final day focused on strategic planning for system changes, advocacy, and future learning. Participants engaged in presentations, breakout discussions and networking opportunities, culminating in a cultural excursion around the historic city of Bath. The HCA marketplace allowed delegates to showcase their project achievements and activities.

The GLF was a resounding success in fostering collaboration, learning and networking within the HCA community. Watch the video to hear from participants and see highlights from the event.

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